Sunday, January 25, 2009

Milk and Honey

spring, late summer blooms
mother queen pollinates light
new birth strengthening -bhb

milk comes before meat
but honey is not for babes
what age group lives here? -ks

I'm very picky.
Once it's past its "Use by" date
I won't touch the stuff. -ch

We will bid adieu
to Mother Nature's nectar
once the bees are gone. -ch

Friday, January 23, 2009


The sun's rays heat the
morning dew, making steam baths
for the lady bugs -ch


Crunchy leaves cover
the broken sidewalk as I
trudge slowly to school -ch


We talk of hunger
Feed the world, but not our own
homeland starvation. -ch

Freedom is not free
He bought us freedom with blood
Has it been wasted? -ch

No, mommy! I won't!
Cleaning is for the grown ups.
I just want to play. -ch

iris, fount of light
in self, summer spent for spring
exhaustion, rebirth -bhb

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I love them that love Me;
and those that seek me ear-
Ly shall find me. -'Verbs -ks

Opening Proverbs
is not "[seeking] me early"
at eight-seventeen. -bc

Temple Work
Dedication, desire
Infinite promises of
Births and beginnings -ke

8:17 pm, August 11th, near Victor, Montana
lumbering oak tree
blacksmith, wordsmith, divine hosts
sacred travelers -bhb

Fifty things to do
And bed time's 9:30
Something's gotta give. -ed

The train moved forward.
I tried to keep hold of his
disappearing eyes. -ch

come buy some stock!
Risk averse? Forget Enron.
(Or martha stewart) -rr

slippery slope

Each step more pleasant
It's not going to matter
If I take one more -ed

Up and down through days:
The moguls of life surpass
the slalom of sin. -bc

Truckers: stay in gear!
You are not down the mountain!
Steep decline 12 mi. -bc

Hiking is scary
Especially when it snows.
One misstep and --aaaah! -km

Obama sneezes
Iran shoots nuclear weapon
Annhilation -lrb

Sisyphus balanced
drawing persistence and strength
over inertia -bhb

Why did she depart?
Promises meant naught to her.
Why not leave sooner? -k


Two stars to the right
go straight 'till you hit morning
Call me when you're close. -jo

Call it in the air
Heads, okay it’s tails again
Try two out of three. -ld

Stop, one Way, detour,
Pedestrians prohibited,
Speed limit, dead end. -kc

Wave won't pass through origin.
Show me a cosine. -bc

Circles in the corn,
Water in the glasses too!
Swing away, my boy! -lrb

So here is your sign,
man in the lame Ford Focus.
You can't pimp your ride. -bird

Your wussy Hummer
will not save you in a war.
Turn off that blinker. -olym

Orion's Belt won't move!
I need a shooting star, not
dumb constellations. -ch

rusty needled bough
recourse! full moon streams healing
resin flows like tears -bhb


summer shimmering
holding ground, growth, redemption
look, a hummingbird -bhb

Wind whipping her hair
Water splashing all around
Expression of joy -mkt

_______ is not the answer

whispers in the ear
unlistened, carrying on
tears shed upon years -bhb

three point one four... Wait!
rhombi and ethics cannot
be circumferenced -bhb

Sweet, dark luxury
Melting slowly on my tonguw
A fleeting escape -mkt

Mountain of grandeur
Beyond which, my heart's desire
What a pretty view! -ed

Starchy Golden ears
Stuffed into a Toyota
What's left to eat: Oil? -ch

Passive Aggressive
Really how old are you? Try
Communication -lrb

broken bicycles

Frustrated with no
Air to make it go, I sit
By a tree and Breathe -lrb

Center encircled
arms radiate, losing grip
translation delayed -bhb


Delectable goo
Oozing down the side of the
Vanilla mountain. -ch

Still Chewing…please wait
Can't speak the thoughts of my heart
Teeth stuck together -lrb

Simple alchemy
Pull, plunge, twist, stir, stir it up
Savor memory -bhb